3 Week 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Verona


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2024 Dates

14-Day or 21-Day 200-Hour YTT’s (Both have the same start date)
JUNE 25 – JULY 8 or 15 (Early-Bird ends Mar 27th)
JULY 22 – AUG 4 or 11 (Early-Bird ends Apr 23rd)
AUG 15 – AUG 28 or SEPT 4 (Early-Bird ends May 17th)

The charm and deep-rooted history of Verona led us to explore this magical region to host our summer 200 and 300 hour Yoga Teacher Trainings.

Verona is a medieval city built between the majestic Adige River in the Veneto region of northern Italy. It’s famous for being the setting of Shakespeare’s “Romeo and Juliet.” This magical old town is home to the Verona Arena, a huge 1st-century Roman amphitheater, which currently hosts concerts and large-scale opera performances regularly.

In the province surrounding Verona, there are some of the most historical areas of world-famous wines such as Valpolicella (Amarone), Soave, Lugana, Bardolino, Custoza, Durello, that can be accessed in less than a 30 minutes’ drive.

The Training

Our three week, 200 hour Yoga Alliance approved curriculum explores the fundamentals of teaching asana & pranayama, as well as techniques on how to develop creative and effective vinyasa sequences.

We delve into the philosophy of yoga, different styles of meditation, the art of ritual and creating sacred space, ayurveda, anatomy of the physical and energetic bodies, the business of yoga and more.

Not only will you deepen your own practice and self awareness, you will come away from this experience with all of the tools necessary to begin teaching and sharing your passion. *This training is taught in English.


Liz Lindh is a licensed and board certified Doctor of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine, a NCCAOM diplomate in Chinese Herbal Medicine, a holistic skincare therapist and natural beauty expert, and yoga teacher and teacher trainer. She holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Health and a Masters of Oriental Medicine degree from the East West College of Natural Medicine.

She is currently the director of The Sanctuary at Two Rivers, a unique eco-conscious yoga and wellness retreat and yoga teacher training certification centre in Costa Rica. Here she created Lakshmi Rising School for Yoga and Wellness through which she offers Yoga Alliance approved Yoga Teacher Training certification programs and other wellness trainings throughout the year.

Dr. Lindh has has treated Oscar nominated and Golden Globe winning actors and directors, Grammy Award winning musicians, authors, dancers and artists of all sorts to inspire creativity, beauty and focus. She has worked with professional athletes in the field of sports medicine for injury treatment and prevention and enhanced performance.

Her extensive experience in Integrative Medicine includes research and treatment of stroke patients at Health South Rehabilitation Hospital, touring with a rock band as their private acupuncturist, presentations on complementary and alternative medicine at the University of Miami, the development and implementation of a therapeutic yoga, meditation and wellness program for cancer survivors through an international non-profit support group, the creation of a 200 hour Yoga Teacher Training curriculum approved by the National Yoga Alliance, and the formulation of her own line of herbal elixirs and beauty products.

Liz’s mission is to promote personal and global healing, to enhance the expansion of love, awareness and consciousness, and to support the wellbeing of all creatures.

Required Texts

The books you will need to purchase, read before the training (if possible), and bring with you are:

Prakriti: Your Ayurvedic Constitution by Dr. Robert Svoboda
The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali by Swami Satchidananda
The Heart of Yoga by T.K.V. Desikachar
Yoga Anatomy, third edition, by Leslie Kaminoff
Teaching Yoga by Mark Stephens
All are available as ebooks.

Course Overview

What is Lakshmi Rising?
3 total hours

Learning Objective: During our opening circle, we discuss the course overview, introduce the power of intention and ritual, share collective introductions among the kula (community), and explain the Lakshmi Rising concept. We also go over the course requirements.

What is Yoga?
2 total hours
Learning Objective: Students collectively define yoga. A brief cultural history of yoga and classical definitions of Yoga are discussed. Concepts like Samkhya philosophy and the Vedic tradition of India are introduced.

Art of Shape Shifting
2 total hours
Learning Objective: For this photography project, students are given a list of asanas that are a part of the Lakshmi Rising curriculum. With a partner or small group, students photographically document their understanding of these poses on the first and last days of the training program. This illustrates their growth and transformation during the yoga teacher certification course, and their understanding of the physical and energetic alignment of each asana.

The Legacy of Krishnamacharya
1 total hour
Learning Objective: The global influence of Krishnamacharya and his primary students, their stories and contributions to modern yoga are introduced. Other popular styles of yoga are also discussed.

Patanjali, the Eight Limbs of Yoga and Selected Yoga Sutras
2 total hours
Learning Objective: This is an introduction to yoga as a philosophy and lifestyle that encompasses more than just the physical postures.

Yoga v/s Exercise
1 total hour
Students discuss the similarities and differences between yoga and exercise.

Yoga Philosophy: Samskara, Karma, Klesha & Pratyahara
2 total hours
Learning Objective: This discussion is designed to spark insight into what we believe and why. Students are invited to identify patterns in themselves, their relationships, and society that can be shifted through diligent self-study (svadhyaya) and through the practice of yoga.

Intro to Meditation
2 total hours
Learning Objective: Meditation as one of Patanjali’s eight limbs is defined and discussed. Modern research and classical perspectives are included in the discussion, in addition to the benefits and physiological process. Different styles and approaches are explained.

Meditation Techniques Explained
4.5 / 7.5 total hours
Learning Objective: Nyasm, lovingkindness, japa, japa mala, mindfulness, sound healing, yoga nidra, mantra, and trataka are explained in depth, so that each student has clear instruction on how to practice each of these techniques. Benefits of, variations on, and contraindications for each are also discussed.

Daily Meditation Sadhana
19.5 / 30 total hours
Learning Objective: Students actively practice lovingkindness, japa, trataka, japa mala, mindfulness, sound healing, silence, yoga nidra, mantra, and nyasm styles of meditation to directly experience the benefits and challenges. Students will note the effects of a consistent daily meditation practice for 21 days in a row.

Daily Morning Asana Sadhana
19.5 / 30 total hours
Learning Objective: These 90 minute daily modules include asana, pranayama, mantra, kriya, and mudra. They are designed to stretch, tone, and heal the body. Lakshmi Rising specialty yoga master classes not only move the body, but also stir the heart and mind. They weave classical yogic concepts with modern anatomical intelligence, inspiration for self-observation, and spiritual wisdom.

Sequencing Concepts and Techniques
11 / 13 total hours
Learning Objective: In this 90-minute daily module following the morning sadhana, the instructor explains the preceding practice. Our morning yoga classes are based on the Lakshmi Rising Hatha Vinyasa method of building a sequence around a cohesive theme and variations on that theme—physically, and often mentally, emotionally, and spiritually as well. In each of these break-down sessions, an asana (the peak pose of the day) is explained in detail including benefits and effects, modifications and variations, anatomical alignment details, and contraindications.

The entire class is collectively discussed and written down. This provides students with a library of intentional, versatile sequences to reference for inspiration when putting together their own classes. This session also serves as a Q&A about any part of the morning practice. Students gain experiential perspective on designing and teaching a yoga class and clarification about the class elements.

Building Blocks of a Vinyasa Class
3 total hours
Learning Objective: Basic and advanced concepts specific to hatha vinyasa yoga in the lineage of Sri Krishnamacharya are defined, as well as elements unique to Lakshmi Rising. This gives students a map to follow regarding what to include in vinyasa-style classes, and why. Concepts such as surya namaskar (sun salutations), vinyasa krama (flows), kriya (repetitive movements), and connecting vinyasa (linking sequences) are explored. Different categories of asana are defined. Regions of the body are identified. Muscles, bones, nerves, organs, and connective tissues are explained in relation to different types of postures and positions. Cautions and contraindications, range of motion, and general benefits of posture groupings are explained.

The Art of Intelligent Sequencing
5 total hours
Learning Objective: Students will gain a solid understanding of how to sequence a vinyasa class using the Lakshmi Rising method. Concepts such as theme and variation in asana, peak pose, vinyasa krama, connecting vinyasa, music, philosophical themes, and timing are covered. Students work in small groups to design a class and receive feedback.

Intro to Yoga Anatomy: Defining Asana and Alignment
3 total hours
Learning Objective: This module includes Krishmacharya’s and Patanjali’s definition of asana. Students working together in partners or small groups to perform a postural analysis, and an overview of common alignment mistakes is presented.

Asana Teaching Lab
18 / 24 total hours
Learning Objective: Different asanas are explained and demonstrated. The anatomy of each asana is discussed, as well as variations, modifications, benefits, contraindications, and hands-on assists, adjustments, and enhancements. Students work in pairs or small groups to practice teaching asana and mini-sequences.

Pranayama Teaching Lab
7 / 9 total hours
Learning Objective: Students will practice teaching box breathing, alternate nostril breathing, kapalabhati, bhastrika, bumble bee breath and sitali pranayama to acquire the understanding of how to share these techniques.

5 total hours
Learning Objective: Students will design and teach a 30 minute class to the larger group. They will receive feedback from their teachers and peers.. They will be required to submit the class plan in written form, as well as practice teaching.

Hands-on Adjustments 101
1 total hour
Learning Objective: Ethical, energetic and anatomical aspects of touching yoga students are discussed. Options for student and teacher safety are explored. Similarities and differences between adjusting, assisting and enhancing asana are considered. Contraindications are explained. Verbal and energetic assists are also explained.

Yoga Sutra Discussion: Yama and Niyama
2.5 / 4 total hours
Learning Objective: Students learn the ethical aspects of relating to self and others in this exploration of the yamas and niyamas. Different translations of Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras are referenced, as well as current application of these ancient and timeless guidelines to living a yogic lifestyle.

Pranayama Defined: May the Force be with You
2 total hours
Learning Objective: Pranayama as one of Patanjali’s eight limbs is defined and discussed. The anatomy of the respiratory system is explained. Concepts such as sama vritti(even breath), visama vritti (uneven breath), kumbhaka (breath retention), and vayu (wind) are defined. Benefits and contraindications are also explained.

Koshas: Energetic Anatomy of the Human Experience
1.5 total hours
Learning Objective: An overview of the yogic perspective on the multi-dimensional complexity of the human being. Physical body, energetic body, the mind, the intuition and personality and also the “bliss body” will be discussed and explained in the context of the panacha maya koshas.

Secrets of the Bandhas
2 total hours
Learning Objective: Students receive theoretical and experiential information about hasta, pada, mula, uddiyana, jalandhara and maha bandhas. We discuss benefits, contraindications, and physical and energetic anatomy, and explore several different techniques for teaching and self-practice.

Mantra: Tools for the Mind
1 total hour
Learning Objective: Different chants are explained and practiced to expose students to this ancient form of yoga.

Stepping into the Role of Teacher
3 / 5 total hours
Learning Objective: The concept of lineage is defined. Students reflect on their own lineage and identify their strengths and weaknesses as a teacher. We discuss what it means to be a teacher, yoga teacher, educator, guide, and leader.

Creating Sacred Space
6 hours
Learning Objective: Students will have the opportunity to create an altar and explain their concept to the group. They will also lead a group dinner blessing. When each student holds the role of sacred space holder, they will also assist the lead instructor in any area where help is necessary. This is important to understand that there is more to teaching yoga than just showing up for a class.

Quiz and Review
3 total hours
Learning Objective: In two quizzes—at the beginning of weeks two and three—students have 45 minutes to take each quiz and 45 minutes to go over the quiz as a group. This emphasizes important course content and gives students a gauge of their strengths and weaknesses.

Concepts in Ahimsa: Plant Based Nutrition for the Health of the Whole
24 / 38 total hours
Learning Objective: Students will explore one of Patanjali’s eight limbs of yoga, yama. The first of these ethical observances is ahimsa, non-harming of self and others. We apply this principle to our yogic lifestyle by adhering to a lacto-ovo vegetarian diet for 21 days. Our mealtimes are not only an opportunity to practice mindful eating, but also a time to educate students about plant-based nutrition. Students gain first-hand experience of the benefits of a vegetarian lifestyle in harmony with Ayurvedic principles.

Living Yoga
30+ / 40+ total hours
Learning Objective: This is the beauty of an immersive training. We encourage you to experience life through the lens of yoga. Conversation, excursions, self-care time…applying the principles of yogic lifestyle off the mat is the true practice. Every hour of our time together is a part of the training. There is no compartmentalization.

Yoga-Related Film
3 / 4 total hours
Learning Objective: Students will get a recap and summary of course content by watching a documentary and several short videos on YouTube.

Non-Contact Hours:
Reading Assignments, Self-Study and Related Projects
20+ total hours
Learning Objective: Students will learn multiple perspectives on the general course content by reading the course manual and textbooks.

21-Day Only
3 total hours
Learning Objective: Students will be introduced to Ayurveda as a sister science to yoga: yoga being a path to purify the mind and Ayurveda a path to purify the body. An overview of the five elements, three doshas, dinacharya (daily routine) guidelines, and living in harmony with our environment are given.

Dynamic Use of Language and Music
6 total hours
Learning Objectives: Creative and conscious verbal guidance is one key to skillful teaching. In this module, we explore different approaches to public speaking, various approaches to cuing alignment, filler words, and creative use of verbs and metaphors. There is also discussion about how to effectively use music.

What Next? The Business of Teaching Yoga
3 total Hours
Learning Objective: Students will learn how and why to register with Yoga Alliance. We discuss teaching options and possibilities; how to find teaching opportunities and what to expect; continuing education; mentorship and higher-level trainings; hosting and attending workshops, retreats, and special events; marketing alliances; social media; and how to write a bio, resume, and mission statement.

Recommended (not required) projects to complete at home:
3+ hours to research and write 1000-word essay
10+ hours teaching community classes
10+ hours of community service
6 hours to plan one ayurvedic meal specific to your vikruti; shop or grow, cook, eat, and clean up

14-Day Online Course Work
Online Asana Class
10.5 total hours
Learning Objective: Students will continue the 90 minute morning practice for 7 more days online with pre-recorded classes on YouTube.

Daily Meditation
10.5 total hours
Learning Objective: Students actively practice lovingkindness, japa, trataka, japa mala, mindfulness, sound healing, yoga nidra, mantra, and nyasm styles of meditation daily, and additionally an hour of silence in the morning for 7 days to directly experience the benefits and challenges. Students will have the opportunity to note the effects of a consistent daily meditation practice for 21 days in a row.

Chakras, Nadis, Koshas: Energetic Anatomy of the Human Experience
10 total hours
Learning Objective: This module gives students an overview of the energy-body through the lens of yoga.

7 total hours
Learning Objective: Students will be introduced to Ayurveda as a sister science to yoga: yoga being a path to purify the mind and Ayurveda a path to purify the body. An overview of the five elements, three doshas, dinacharya (daily routine) guidelines, and living in harmony with our environment are given.

Yoga Sutra Discussion: Yama and Niyama
4 total hours
Learning Objective: Students learn the ethical aspects of relating to self and others in this exploration of the yamas and niyamas. Different translations of Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras are referenced, as well as current applications of these ancient and timeless guidelines to living a yogic lifestyle.

Dynamic Use of Language
2 total hours
Learning Objectives: Creative and conscious verbal guidance is one key to skillful teaching. In this module, we explore different approaches to public speaking, various approaches to cuing alignment, filler words, and creative use of verbs and metaphors.

What Next? The Business of Teaching Yoga
3 total hours
Learning Objective: Students will learn how and why to register with Yoga Alliance. We discuss teaching options and possibilities; how to find teaching opportunities and what to expect; continuing education; mentorship and higher-level trainings; hosting and attending workshops, retreats, and special events; marketing alliances; social media; and how to write a bio, resume, and mission statement.

Short Videos on YouTube
2 total hours
Learning Objective: Watch the playlist of selected shorts on our YouTube channel for inside into yoga from many different perspectives.

1000-word essay
3 total hours
Learning Objective: Research and write about anything you want to learn more about as an opportunity to go deeper.

Recommended (not required) projects to complete at home:
10+ hours teaching community classes
10+ hours of community service
6 hours to plan one ayurvedic meal specific to your vikruti; shop or grow, cook, eat, and clean up

Total Contact Hours:


The timeless beauty of Villa dei Cipressi, nestled on the highest hilltop of the Sona Village, is both enchanting and inviting. Her classically elegant architecture and design are said to date back to the end of the 9th century. Spacious rooms are tastefully decorated with antique furniture including many beautiful art deco pieces, original art works, exquisite lighting, ancient tiles, linen drapes and luxurious bedding.

We will begin each day with a beautiful morning yoga practice in the panoramic sun room facing the park.

The grand estate, recognised as a Heritage Site, spreads out over 28 hectares including vineyards, olive groves and gardens with Villa dei Cipressi centered as the crown jewel.

Just outside the villa are ancient coniferous and cypress trees, a rose garden, lily pond with fountain, bamboo grove with an outdoor pizza oven, expansive lawn, swimming pool, and several cozy seating areas to relax, contemplate and enjoy the breathless views of the Verona Valley with a delicious glass of wine cultivated right on the property. All of this and more creates a romantic, dream-like atmosphere in exclusive privacy.

This property, at about 200 meters above sea level, is part of the Garda Lake Morainic amphitheater. The unique geologic formation is composed of many horseshoe shaped hills carved out by glaciers and streams 100,000 years ago. The special soil composition is a key to their world renowned wines. Verona is to the East, Garda Lake to the West and the Dolomites to the North.

The Landini family has owned this property since 1963.
 The Sparici-Landini motivating spirit is their love of the land, its vineyards and olive groves.

The founder of the wine resort was a woman, Maddalena, called “la Grisa”. Their 40 years of success in wine production is a synthesis of rich traditions developed over centuries, wisely measured modernism and, most importantly, good soil. They harvest the the finest selection of grapes for their boutique wines bunch by bunch by hand.

The Excursions

Venice: The ancient city of Venezia is considered by many, including your hosts Liz and Naga, as the most beautiful city built by Man. You will find exquisite works of art around every corner and breathtaking delights for all of your senses where ever you direct your attention. Join us for a day trip with lunch and dinner out. Hi-speed train or private boat charter.

Terme di Sirmione Thermal Spa: This world class SPA is an oasis of wellness immersed in a large park, well known as a place to enjoy intense beauty, harmony, pleasure and healing. Unique sulphurous, salsobromoiodic thermal waters from a natural spring deep in the bed of Lake Garda are healing for the bones and joints, respiratory ailments, uro-gynecological system, alterations and diseases of the skin such as dermatitis, psoriasis and acne.

This hotel has been in operation since the 1920’s but recognized as a healing place as far back as the Renaissance. The thermal waters, mud, steam and heat, combined with pampering personalized treatments and breathtaking views of Lake Garda make this experience unforgettable.
We will spend the day soaking and sun bathing and then, after sunset, enjoy a group dinner before returning to our villa.

Verona: Most famous as the setting of Shakespeare’s classic “Romeo and Juliet” but the history of the city dates back to over 550 BC. We will take the day to explore cultural sights and then meet at Antica Bottega Del Vino (Best Dessert and Fortified Wine List in the World 2019) for dinner together.

Retreat Schedule

Below is a sample schedule subject to slight changes depending upon the location, duration & excursions if applicable, i.e. in Europe everything shifts one hour later. This will give you a general idea of what your two or three weeks will look like while enjoying your training!

Typical Daily Schedule (subject to change)
6:00am-7:00am: Optional pranayama, meditation & chanting
7:30am-9:00am: Sadhana: Asana, Pranayama & Mantra
9:00am-10:00am: Silent Hour / Breakfast
11:00am-2:00pm: Classroom Training Session
2:00pm-3:00pm: Gaia Gourmet Lunch
3:00pm-5:00pm: Living Yoga: Taking the practice off the mat, self-care, exploration, time to work on assignments & projects
5:00pm-7:00pm: Classroom Training Session
7:00pm-8:00pm: Gaia Gourmet Dinner with Gratitude Practice


This intensive immersion Yoga Teacher Training features healthy, organic, farm to table, vegetarian Italian dishes catered by Gaia Gourmet, options for curated excursions to cultural sites, thermal hot springs, shopping & more, food & wine adventures, in-house massage therapy & healing body work, and exclusive use of the beautiful private estate.

Our delicious farm-to-table Italian inspired menu during the training is lacto-ovo vegetarian. We cannot accommodate any extreme dietary restrictions such as a raw food diet.

Teacher Training investment

In US Dollars

200-Hour Foundational YTT Registration
Pay-In-Full at time of registration up to 3 months before start date for Shared Room (Save $300). We will mindfully select a roommate for you. – $3,699
Pay-In-Full within 3 months of start date for Shared Room. We will mindfully select a roommate for you. – $3,999
Deposit Only to Secure Spot for Shared Room ($3999 total). – $500
Pay Your Remaining Balance up to 30 Days before start date. – $3,499


  • 200 Hour Certification upon successful completion of the course
  • 425 Pages of invaluable knowledge in your Lakshmi Rising YTT Manual
  • 20 nights in Luxury Villa Accommodations
  • 3 incredible, organic Gaia Gourmet vegetarian or vegan meals per day when on site
  • Unlimited coffee, an assortment of teas & fresh fruit for snacks
  • Daily housekeeping & weekly laundry service
  • Full access to the property including swimming pool and more
  • Options to participate in organized group excursions
  • All applicable taxes included in training price3 weeks making friends for life with like-minded souls from around the world

What to pack

You need to bring a yoga mat, a block and strap, water bottle (there is delicious natural spring water available for us), at least 2 notebooks, a journal, several pens in different colours, flashlight with batteries, sturdy hiking shoes, insect repellant, eco-friendly personal care products (lavender, peppermint & tea tree essential oils come in handy), first aid necessities (arnica, sore muscle balm, ibuprofen, motion sickness medicine, allergy medicine and bandages may be useful), easy to store snacks like dried fruits, nuts and nut butters (we provide fresh fruit and three meals most days but bring extra if you think you will need it), and Euros for excursions and massages.

How to get here

You can easily fly into Verona, Florence, Milan or Rome’s international airports and take the train to Verona where you can get a taxi to the villa.

We will coordinate departures when we are at the villa based on everyone’s departure information.


Please go here for our frequently asked questions.


To make an enquiry or book this 3 Week 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Verona, please complete the form below.

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